Oh my goodness and E is for Examine...
Dear friends, I am so sorry that I have not written in almost a month. OH MY GOODNESS, time really does fly. I realized I missed a week and before I knew it or took the time to do anything about it I had missed 3 weeks. Well, please forgive me and I will do my best to get back on schedule and blog at least once a week. My ultimate goal is to be blogging more but I suppose I better get the once a week thing down first! Well, when I wrote last we were on D so we are now up to E and E is for E xamine. This weeks lesson focuses on us and our ability or lack thereof to E xamine our actions, reactions and the results of those actions and how they play into our relationships and life as a whole. We all come into relationships with some kind of issue that seems to keep us from securing the relationships, friends, jobs etc that we so desperately say we want and need in our lives. The problem is that we have these issues but that we don't want to look at them so we ar...