C...is for Caring Communication
Well, this week we are on the letter C and C is for Caring Communication. I, we all talk about Communication in and with others but I want to kick it up a notch today with the idea of Caring Communication. We all want to be heard and we all want to have our needs met and we want everyone to love and care about us but we must also be careful about how we are Communicating with each other.
Again, this concept holds true for not only our marriages, but also our families, friends, co-workers and anyone we come in contact with. You see we get so busy trying to get our point across that we forget to pay attention to how we are Communicating our needs, desires and thoughts. The reason I add the word Caring is that it is important that we use Care when we are Communicating with and each other we are all different we hear, process and handle things differently.
So, what is Caring Communication? It involves respecting the other persons feelings. It involves using words that edify and don't tear the other person down. It means being able to discuss your thoughts and feelings without fear of rejection or backlash. It means listening to the words and heart of the other person. It means putting yourself in the other persons shoes and it means sometimes having to say you are sorry and meaning it. It also means sharing your feelings and thoughts at a time when the other person is free from distractions and not in moments of anger. We all get angry but we also need to take time to pause before responding in our anger. Instead, pause take a step back sit with your thoughts and comments for a while before expressing them...words do hurt and we can never take back words said.
We also need to understand that we think mostly of Communication as only words but Caring Communication is also our actions so we need to be mindful of actions as well. When someone is talking to you look at them don't be distracted by television, phones, doing two things at once. Ladies we are good at multitasking but sometimes we need to stop and pay attention...that is Caring Communication. Our cell phones are now called smart phones because they do so much, but look around and see how many people who are out to dinner are on their phones and not engaged in the conversation or other person.
Below is a brief video that I saw on Facebook just a day or so ago and this so broke my heart because what it said to me was that what she was doing was not important...I can only imagine how everyone around her felt especially the groom http://youtu.be/ lnd5y3dhWTY. I share this a clear example of NOT Caring Communication it communicates something but not what I would hope for any couple on their wedding day. Joke or no joke this is not appropriate behavior for anyone but each and every day I see people acting in ways that they feel they are Communicating but what I see is anything but Caring Communication.
One more thought before I end this weeks blog, we also need to be careful in our emails and texting. We have all these resources that allow use to Communicate quickly and supposedly more effectively but again we need to know the person or persons we are Communicating with and be Caring in that exchange. For example, if you are dealing with a thinker or person who analyzes you may want to write to them however, if you are dealing with a feeler our person who is more emotional (like myself) I do better with you talking to me. Again, these are I hope, some helpful tools that may aid you in having more Caring Communication.
Remember, we are all imperfect, on the path to becoming the best we can be!
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